
Shopping With Your Preschool and Kindergarten Child

Shopping with an early learner can be easier than when shopping with a toddler. Meltdowns are much less likely. You can begin to reason with your child and they can become truly helpful. This can be a relief after the toddler phase.

Preparing for the trip is key. The children still have their shopping limit, so make sure to know where you are going and what you need. Share this information with your child so they know what to expect on your shopping trip, are you going to one store or two or three. This will help them know what to expect. Also make sure you have a plan for how you are going to engage them while you are at the store. Let your child know if there is a reward at the end and what exactly it is. The more prepared you and your child are the easier it is for your child to know what to expect.

Tips for shopping with young learners

  • Give your child a job: Have your child help you find items at the store. Ask them which isle the item is on (Cheerios-cereal isle). Have them use their environmental print knowledge to find things.
  • Ask problem solving questions: Where should we look for the cheerios? Where will we find the apple juice? When you are standing at the end of an isle ask, What do you think we will find on this isle?
  • Make the trip Educational: Shopping is a wonderful time to interact with and engage your child with learning activities.
    • A Scavenger Hunt will keep them engaged and practicing their literacy and math skills. (Keep a clipboard and pencil handy to use in the store. Children this age love to use clipboards.)
    • Have them compare and contrast 2 items you choose in the store.
      • Such as two different produce that may be the same color but different shape or two different boxes of cereal.
      • Pick a t-shirt and button down shirt, shorts and pants, or shirt and pants then compare and contrast them.
  • Reward Good Behavior: No, I am not saying buy them something for behaving! A reward can be as simple as verbal praise: “You did such a great job helping mommy shop today.” It can also being allowing them to sit in the special carts at the store. We will go to the park after we put the groceries away is a reward that keeps giving, it is unencumbered time with you. Don’t think of rewards as what else do I have to buy, make it simple, easy, and free is best.

Children this age are so proud of themselves when they are able to help. Take advantage to their willingness.

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