Read Aloud with Grandma

Read Aloud: Duck in the Truck

Duck in the Truck by Jez Alborough is an adorable book about animals being stuck and trying to help their fellow friend become unstuck. The animals a cute and friendly and try with all their might to help the duck. This story has a wonderful rhythm by which to read and it plays with words and rhyming which will get your littles listening and engaged. I remember playing with words with my children and helping them learn what rhyming is. They loved changing words in books and songs to fit what they were doing or to just be silly. We would laugh and have so much fun making up rhymes based on things that were happening at the moment. It was even more fun watching them try to be mad when I would start this when they were upset. They would end up laughing and finding words, even nonsense words, to tell their feelings. Rhyming is so crucial to reading and so much fun to play with. Enjoy the readings of this fun and engaging book.

Read Aloud

Here is the read aloud for you to enjoy just listening to with your little.

Video thumbnail: Read Alound Duck in the Truck

Duck in the Truck

Read Aloud with Activities

This read aloud activity will be a rhyming word hunt. They are going to try and hear and find the rhyming word. You can keep it simple with your little just saying the rhyming word, or if your child is older, you can write down the rhyming words and show how there endings are usually spelled the same way (but not always).

*** Parents: As we are reading the book please stop the video and allow your little to say the rhyming word and to interact with the words. You may need to rewind the video for your little to hear the word, but as they begin to recognize rhyming they will be calling out the rhyming words as we read.***
Duck in a truck with Rhyming Hunt
Hunt for words that rhyme as we read Duck in the Truck.

Duck in the Truck Rhyming Hunt

Rhyming Fun:

Rhyming helps children play with words and language and helps them be develop skills necessary to decode and read words. This skill is very important and should be nurtured whenever possible. The following link will take you to a post all about rhyming. It has games and activities for you to enjoy with your little.

Rhyme Time with Your Little


After reading the book a few times have your little use the pictures from the links to retell the story. Encourage them to use some of the rhyming words from the book when they are telling the story again. You will need to print both sets below.

Retelling Duck in the Truck

Retelling Duck in the Truck Retelling Duck in the Truck 2

Please share your favorite books in the comments below.

I will read them aloud and create fun activities to go with them.



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