Do you talk to your littles about making a New Years Resolution? Have you ever helped them make a New Years Resolution? Did they succeed with their New Years Resolution? New Years resolutions are so hard to keep. We just talk about something we want to do better at and start off strong and then FAILURE! Instead of a resolution this year, help your child set 2 goals they want to succeed at this year and set 2 for yourself. Follow these steps and work together to reach the goals you have set for yourselves and teach your littles how to achieve their goals.
How to Manage Problematic Behavior
This is a guest post by Tamara Cater. Please see her bio at the bottom. You may be at a point of frustration if you are reading this article and even ready to pull out your hair! You may feel like you tried everything, and you want to put an end to your child’s problematic behavior. In addition, you may be worried that this behavior will affect how your child will fare in school and if they will be successful. Rest assured, you can take control back. It will take persistence and consistency. However, if it turns out that nothing is working even after implementing these tips, consider seeing a…
How to be Back to School Ready
Back to school is right around the corner. During the summer we have changed schedules and allow our children to stay up later and sleep in longer. Our daily routines have become relaxed with travel and no pressure to be anywhere. With the transition of going back to school it is important to help our children acclimate to the new schedule and routine they will be following once school begins. It is best to give children a week or two adjusting to the new schedule and routines. Continue reading for tips on things to consider when helping them get ready for the first day of school.
How to be Kindergarten Ready
Summer is here and your little may soon be starting kindergarten. Being kindergarten ready is not only about academics. As a school year ends, lets spend some time talking about what your little needs to be able to do to successfully start kindergarten. A successful kindergarten year is so important, it sets a firm foundation for your child’s academic career and it begins at home with you before they even step into kindergarten. How can you help your little be ready? Keep reading for activities and tips for helping them get off on the right foot. There is also a tip with what to do when a paint mishap occurs…
21 Games and Activities for Learning Letters
Learning letters is very important to being able to read. Children need to be able to identify the letter and the sound that is associated with the letter in order to be able to read. It is important to start early, even infants learn from the conversation and vocabulary you are providing them, with no expectation for your little to identify or remember the letters. You just point out letters to them as you are walking through the store or reading a book. It is planting the language and knowledge for your child. Now, when to start and where to start and how to make it fun? Keep reading for…
How to Use a Garden for Learning
Gardening was always a favorite way to spend time with my dad when I was little. I loved to plant seeds and plants and trees. I just loved being out there and talking with my dad as we “played” in the dirt or collected the fruits of our labors. What I didn’t realize was that the whole time I was out there I was learning academic materials, such as science, math, and literacy, I was learning social and family skills as well. I was also learning that we can produce our own food, and boy did it taste so much better than the food we bought from the store. I…
Earth Day: Don’t Throw Their Future Away!
A Native American Proverb: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children”. This means we need to protect the earth and teach our littles how to protect it as well. There is no better day to start teaching them how to respect and care for the earth than Earth Day. Our earth needs all of us to be more responsible so our children and their children have a place to grow up. It is our responsibility to instill the love for our earth. There are so many ways to be able to involve your littles in caring for the earth. Continue on to…